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Writer's pictureGaelle Bretin-Tokpo

My Spiritual & Life Journey

Updated: Oct 19, 2024

My spiritual journey IS my life journey. They are both one and the same. In this blog, I’ll walk you through my story. And you may resonate with it. Who knows, you may find an uncanny similarity between our respective path. If so, let me know! So let’s begin…

From what I recall and far as I remember, I’ve always been on the spiritual path in one way or another, even when I didn’t know it. I got initiated to both esotericism (Rose Cross) and religion (Catholicism) at a young age and from there I started to research the mysteries of the Universe, questioning everything, reflecting on existential questions and attempting at the age of 14 to write essays about it. I naturally got extremely interested in psychology (particularly personality tests of all sorts), Eastern philosophies (especially Indian, Chinese and Japanese), divination tools (astrology, numerology, oracles, tarot, chiromancy, ect), and by the age of 18 I had already acquired a massive library of knowledge, which kept expanding more and more over time. All that was motivated by the burning desire to know and understand myself and answer my biggest question: « who am I ? ». My main other existential questions were: « why are we here? », « where are we going after death? », « where do we come from? ».

At the time I was also really passionate about the arts, fashion, architecture, decoration and aesthetics. Colour had been, one of my first ever interests, especially through painting when I was a little 3yo girl. But my first ever interest had probably been talking and asking why, why, why, questioning everything that my insatiable curiosity could touch. Drawing, writing, singing, building, creating, managing, directing also got my interest as a child and teenager.

My twenties were quite materialistic though, even if I kept reading on personal development, spirituality and psychology. And I couldn’t apply what I had been reading in all those books. I was still feeling a lack of purpose, finding hard to give meaning to life and feeling that void within me that I could neither fill with material possessions nor with pleasure. At that point, I was living a very comfortable life but neither my job nor my relationships were fulfilling. So I moved to Australia with the intention of never going back, quitting everything I had in France. This put me on the minimalism path without me realising it at the time. I de facto became a minimalist but didn’t know anything about it and it’s only years later that I figured that it was an actual concept and that there was even a name for it!

My move to Australia is what actually kickstarted my spiritual alchemy. Just few months after I arrived, I stopped smoking, and within just 2 months I quit all alcohol consumption, became a vegetarian and attended a 10-days Vipassana silent retreat in the Blue Mountains. From then on, I started to meditate daily (still to this date), to actually practice all the teachings I had read and to embody my intellectual knowledge. But the following 3 years became absolute hell, and I can now certainly say that what I went through at the time was my Dark Night of the Soul. I experienced a massive burnout followed by a deep depression which actually became, in combination with deep meditation states, the soil for the burst of spontaneous shamanic and spiritual experiences.

Finally I came back to my home country, completely broken into pieces but completely new and transformed, and started to recover and reconstruct myself with the new life paradigm that had emerged one year prior with a complete new set of values and beliefs. I started a full time spiritual hermitage, living in the flow, focusing on the present moment, rebuilding my foundations, recreating my ego & personality, being more than doing, researching my topics, learning, meditating most of my days, introspecting, walking my path, embodying my talk and waiting for the next wave to catch me.

In the past few years I have been interacting to greater degrees with people, one on one, from all over the world, helping them on their life journey, their psychological challenges, and their spiritual path, helping they go through what I had myself gone through. I then at some point (2019) started my YouTube channel to broadcast my wisdom and share my insights to the world. And that’s where I am at…

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